Toilet paper is something everyone uses and, unlike food, can be
found in almost any location from the grocery store to the convenience
store off of a random Interstate. Doing some research on toilet paper
(and you would be surprised at how much is out there), I found the
average American uses approximately 57 sheets per day! A representative
from Kimberly Clark (one of the largest producers of toilet paper) was
quoted as saying the average roll contains 352 sheets and an average 12
pack costs about $6.99 which means a person spends just over 34 dollars
and goes through 59 rolls per year in toilet paper.
But how
does this help Elizabethton? Well, what if everyone who lived, worked,
or shopped in Elizabethton bought their toilet paper in Elizabethton –
the economic impact of one person’s yearly toilet paper use is
approximately $5.35. Taken together with the people who live, work, and
shop in and around Elizabethton and Carter County, and the local
economic impact could be $309,580 created just by buying toilet paper at
local stores. Who would have thought that buying something so simple
and so inexpensive could have such a big impact? Wherever you purchase
your toilet paper, that community gets your $5.35 of impact and all you
have to do is choose to purchase there.
The same thing can be
done with a few other common goods that are easily available right here
in Elizabethton and Carter County. It is estimated that the average
family in Carter County spends approximately126 dollars per year
on milk. Wherever you purchase your milk for the year, that community
get’s your $24.76 of impact; if everyone purchased their milk in
Elizabethton that would generate approximately $470,440 in impact every
year. All you have to do is choose to purchase it in Elizabethton or
Carter County!
The next time you plan to go out to eat, think
about where you would like to go in Elizabethton rather than driving to
Bristol or Johnson City. We estimate a Carter County household will
spend $1,810 per year on eating out. The yearly economic impact of
eating out is $895.78 per household if they choose to eat locally.
Obviously, we want that $895.78 to stay in Carter County and
Elizabethton not Bristol or Johnson City. If we all went out to eat in
Elizabethton, the economic impact would total approximately $17,019,820.
I want to challenge you this year to choose Elizabethton and
Carter County whether it’s milk, eating out, or just toilet paper.
Simply by choosing where you purchase your products helps make our
community’s economy and businesses stronger. What other local products
or services can we take advantage of? Let’s talk about it!
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