Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Keeping the Twins takes the Whole Community

As we begin negotiations with the Elizabethton Twins, there is still no guarantee that they will stay here in Elizabethton. While I am optimistic, we must realize that the facility improvements the Twins organization is looking for are not cheap, quick fixes. They are improvements that city tax payers will be paying for a long time in the future. The flip-side to this is that the Twins provide yet another attraction to our city and help grow our tourism assets throughout the County. They enhance the quality of life for our citizens and may provide an allure for people who are considering moving to Elizabethton.

But it takes more than just the actions of the city government to make Elizabethton an attractive place for the Twins to remain. It takes you! Every year it gets harder and harder for the Elizabethton Twins organization to find housing and other needs for the players. This year they are struggling not only with housing, but transportation options as well. We need the community to support these players and this organization to help keep them here in Elizabethton! Put yourself in the Twins organization’s shoes. If they can’t find housing for their players, the question becomes how interested and vested is this community in seeing the success of our team here?

I completely understand that there are some out there who would really enjoy having a player stay with them, but simple don’t have the means. But, if you have a spare bedroom with a bed, you have the means. If you have an extra vehicle that you only use occasionally, you have the means. If you can speak even broken Spanish, even better.

On a personal note, this is the second year my partner and I have taken Twins players into our home. We are both busy, working adults and have found that our schedules have yet to conflict with our players. They do their own laundry, cook their own meals (or maybe I should say go out to eat on their own), work with other teammates to arrange transportation to the field and workouts, etc. We’re usually at work when they wake up and they’re usually at the ball field when we get home. We offer to take them to the grocery store or Walmart when we go, and either take them or tell them about the places to check out while they’re in the area. Neither of us are baseball fans, but we recognize what it means to our community.

I also recognize that as a Christian it is my duty to welcome the stranger and those in need into our home and make them feel welcome. In many ways, these players are strangers in our land! Work with your church or Sunday school class to figure out how your group can help.

If you support the Twins being in Elizabethton purchase a season or 10 game pass, take a Twins player into your home, or offer an occasionally used or spare vehicle for their use. It’s only two and-a-half months out of the year. If you can do any of these things, give the Elizabethton Twins a call at 547-6441. Let's show the Twins that our community is dedicated to their success here in Elizabethton. Let’s talk about it!

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