One of the newest trends in Planning is a concept call form-based
zoning codes. Form-based zoning codes take our conventional concept of
zoning and reverse it. Instead of focusing on regulating the land use
(what is happening on the property) first, building type second, and
building aesthetics last, form-based codes are more concerned with
building aesthetics first, building type second, and land use last.
Form-based zoning codes are more commonly seen in places that have a
19th Century development pattern – a time before cars when everything
had to be easily accessed by walking or bicycling. Downtowns are a great
example of what a form-based code would produce from a commercial
district. The focus is more on the look and patterning of the windows
and doors rather than on the specific use of the building. It could be a
retailer, an office, or an apartment building.
form-based zoning codes are utilized in developments in which the
developer desires a mix of various types of land uses, such as
residential, retail, office, medical office, small production, and
As I mentioned before, the actual use of the
property is not of primary concern in a form-based code, but rather the
appearance and location of the building on the property is of primary
concern. This allows for the property owner to have greater freedom in
determining what uses to utilize in a building.
Let’s look at
a few examples of how this might work. In Elizabethton, if Walmart
wanted to relocate to just on the edge of downtown they would be able to
construct their typical Walmart layout with the big parking lot in the
front with a huge building set far from the road. With a form-based
zoning code, however, Walmart would be required to locate their entire
business into what would appear as multiple different buildings matching
a downtown window and door patterning. They would also be required to
place their parking lot in the back of the building to help hide it from
In this example, the focus is not on the use of the
Walmart, but more about ensuring that the Walmart building would blend
in with the appearance of the existing neighborhood. Rather than the big
front wall, Walmart would look like a two or three story downtown
building with multiple entrances.
This is a new concept and
has started to really take hold in many cities. Locally, Kingsport has
implemented some form-based zoning codes in their downtown area. Is this
concept something Elizabethton should consider? Let’s talk about it!
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